

My coaching integrates and can include techniques of relaxing hypnosis this is deep relaxation similar to the state you experience just before you fall asleep. This is used in a therapeutic approach. We are more in touch with our unconscious mind which is responsible for controlling most of our behaviours in life when we use hypnosis. Your brain is more relaxed during hypnosis, you have a less active mind so information provided will flow easily and enter the unconscious mind making changes quicker.

We can therefore easily access conscious and unconscious minds where we can work at changing behaviours. This is also safe and effective with children and young people since children are often relaxed and already use relaxed states everyday while learning, engaging in games or doing creative work.

During Hypnotherapy we can examine our beliefs and thought processes that are giving rise to emotional, physical, mental and spiritual problems. Hypnotherapy has been used for thousands of years to heal and may change people’s behaviours and attitudes.  If you need to change anything in your life then hypnosis may help to do this, if you are wanting to change issues such as anxiety, pain, phobias, fears, worries, weight, and smoking. Hypnosis will allow you to experience deep relaxation and calmness you are always in control you are never asleep just in a relaxed state you will still be aware of whatever is going on around you during our work together. Hypnosis is also very effective in reinforcing the changes made using NLP.