Relaxing mindful massage THERAPY

THerapies for special needs

 Our Mindful  Massage focuses on the head, face, neck, back, shoulders, and upper arms. For many children, young adults, parents and people with additional or special abilities, stress hormones are naturally much higher than for their peers, fear of failure or not being understood often leads to meltdowns or switching off.

These techniques have been well proven since 1950, nurturing touch not only improves physical health but encourages bigger brains and increases social skills and emotional intelligence which is a key component for learning and productivity, this benefits families, children, young people in learning and everyday life.  

This massage has benefits and has proven positive experiences and results with children, young adults and families with ASD, ADHD, ADD, emotional and behavioural issues, learning difficulties to name but a few. 

 Issues / challenges and levels of stress have reduced this is a massage that is empowering, nurturing on our emotional mental and physical levels. The massage stimulates several benefits promotes deep peace, calmness it is especially proven to support one’s positive immunity relieves and builds resilience to stress.

This massage helps to regulate emotional intelligence which is vital for IQ and our ability to learn and grow. It is a scientific fact that our physical and emotional wellbeing are closely linked to our ability to learn effectively.  Emotions and emotional intelligence are key to learning, the massage not only has benefits for the child and young person in their learning or class environment but also for the family network.

This massage can be done dry or with creams and oils worked on children through their clothing. And for adults over 18 yrs. can be massaged skin to skin or through clothes, massaging and focusing on the head, face, shoulders, upper arms, neck and upper back. Comprising of beautiful, gentle, nurturing, and deeply beneficial massage techniques that can help to empower, reduce and sometimes alleviate issues and challenges. 

Can be performed seated, lying down or on a specially adapted chair.

Therapeutic touch and massage sessions are uniquely tailored around each individual